Patch Date
region: KR
20 out of 75 changes

[Sharp Wound]
Received Physical Attack Damage Increase: 12%
Duration: 10 seconds
[Sharp Wound]
Received Physical Attack Damage Increase: 12%
Duration: 5 seconds
[Sharp Wound]
▲ Received Physical Attack Damage Increase: 18%
Duration: 10 seconds
[Sharp Wound]
▼ Received Physical Attack Damage Increase: 9%
▲ Duration: 10 seconds
Endless Power
- Attack Power Increase: 10%
- Movement Speed Increase: 30%
- Duration: 10 sec.
Endless Power
- Attack Power Increase: 10%
- Movement Speed Increase: 30%
- Duration: 5 sec.
Attack Power Increase changed to Special Active Skill Cooldown Accelerated.
Endless Power
- Special Active Skill Cooldown Accelerated 1.3x
- Movement Speed Increase: 30%
- Duration: 10 sec.
Endless Power
- Special Active Skill Cooldown Accelerated 1.15x
- Movement Speed Increase: 30%
- Duration: 5 sec.

Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 12%
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 6%
▲ Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 16%
▲ Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 8%
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 12%
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 6%
▲ Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 16%
▲ Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 8%
Oz Sorcerer

Physical Attack Power Increase: 10%
Magical Attack Power Increase: 10%
Physical Attack Power Increase: 5%
Magical Attack Power Increase: 5%
▲ Physical Attack Power Increase: 15%
▲ Magical Attack Power Increase: 15%
▲ Physical Attack Power Increase: 7.5%
▲ Magical Attack Power Increase: 7.5%

Physical Attack Power Increase: 25%
▼ Physical Attack Power Increase: 20%
[Space Distortion]
Cannot Move/Jump
Physical Defense Decrease: 15%
Duration: 6 sec.
[Space Distortion]
Cannot Move/Jump
Physical Defense Decrease: 7.5%
Duration: 3 sec.
▼ The Space Distortion effect is removed.
[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 3%
Duration: 5 sec.
Max Stacks: 10
Cooldown: 2.5 sec.
[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 3%
Duration: 5 sec.
Max Stacks: 10
Cooldown: 2.5 sec.
Physical Defense Reduction amount per stack increased but max stacks decreased.
[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 12%
Duration: 10 sec.
Max Stacks: 3
▲ Cooldown: 1 sec.
[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 6%
▲ Duration: 10 sec.
Max Stacks: 3
▲ Cooldown: 1 sec.
[Space Distortion]
Cannot Move/Jump
Physical Defense Decrease: 15%
Duration: 6 sec.
[Space Distortion]
Cannot Move/Jump
Physical Defense Decrease: 7.5%
Duration: 3 sec.
▼ The Space Distortion effect is removed.
Lord Azoth

Allies' debuffs will be crystalized and removed. When their debuffs are removed, they will receive an All Skill Damage Increase buff.
- Physical/Magical Defense Decrease: 10%
- All Skill Damage Increase: 10%
- Duration: 25 sec.
- Physical/Magical Defense Decrease: 5%
- All Skill Damage Increase: 5%
- Duration: 15 sec.
▼ Ally debuff removal removed.
▼ All Skill Damage Increase when removing debuffs is removed.
- ▲ Physical/Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
- Duration: 25 sec.
- ▲ Physical/Magical Defense Decrease: 10%
- Duration: 15 sec.
- Refined skill is upgraded so it grants buffs without having to remove a debuff.
Refined skill improvement removed due to skill change.

MP Recovery Increase: 7% per sec.
Physical Attack Power Increase: 15%
All Speed Increase: 15%
Duration: 30 sec.
MP Recovery Increase: 0.5% per sec.
Physical Attack Power Increase: 7.5%
All Speed Increase: 10%
Duration: 15 sec.
▼ MP Recovery Increase: 5% per sec.
▲ Physical Attack Power Increase: 20%
All Speed Increase: 15%
Duration: 30 sec.
MP Recovery Increase: 0.5% per sec.
▲ Physical Attack Power Increase: 10%
All Speed Increase: 10%
Duration: 15 sec.

Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 5%
Damage Received from Critical Increase: 15%
Magical Defense Decrease: 10%
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 5%
Damage Received from Critical Increase: 15%
Magical Defense Decrease: 5%
[Final Enhanced Skill]
- Magical Defense Reduction increased to 20% (PvP: 10%)
▼ Magical Defense Decrease removed.
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 5%
Damage Received from Critical Increase: 15%
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 5%
Damage Received from Critical Increase: 15%
[Final Enhanced Skill]
Skill MP Cost is reduced by 20%.
[Advanced Stigma]
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 10%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Magical Defense Decrease: 25%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.
[Advanced Stigma]
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 10%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Magical Defense Decrease: 12.5%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.
▼ Magical Defense Decrease removed.
[Advanced Stigma]
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 10%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.
[Advanced Stigma]
Damage from Magical Attack Increase: 10%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.

Smoke screen duration is 3 sec.
Allies that come in contact with the smoke screen will have 40% damage reduction for 6 sec., and Enemies's Physical Defense will decrease by 40% for 6 sec. (PvP: The effects will be 20% and last for 3 sec.)
Smoke screen duration is 3 sec.
Allies that come in contact with the smoke screen will have 40% damage reduction for 6 sec., and Enemies' Physical Defense will decrease by ▼ 30% for 6 sec.
Smoke screen duration is 3 sec.
Allies that come in contact with the smoke screen will have 20% damage reduction for 6 sec., and Enemies' Physical Defense will decrease by ▼ 15% for 3 sec.
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
Received Damage Increase: 20%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
Received Damage Increase: 20%
Received Damage Increase changed to Received Physical Damage Increase.
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
▼ Received Physical Damage Increase: 15%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
▼ Received Physical Damage Increase: 7.5%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
Received Damage Increase: 20%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
Received Damage Increase: 20%
Received Damage Increase changed to Received Physical Damage Increase.
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
▼ Received Physical Damage Increase: 15%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Action Speed Decrease: 20%
▼ Received Physical Damage Increase: 7.5%

[Literacy - Strong Will]
Magical Attack Power Increase: 15%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Strong Will]
Magical Attack Power Increase: 7.5%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Strong Will]
▼ Magical Attack Power Increase: 10%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Strong Will]
Magical Attack Power Increase: 5%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Tenacious Echo]
Magical Defense Decrease: 25%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Tenacious Echo]
Magical Defense Decrease: 12.5%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Tenacious Echo]
▼ Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 30 sec.
[Literacy - Tenacious Echo]
▼ Magical Defense Decrease: 10%
Duration: 30 sec.
Furious Blade

Damage from Physical Attack Increase: 12%
Duration: 10 sec.
Damage from Physical Attack Increase: 6%
Duration: 10 sec.
▲ Damage from Physical Attack Increase: 15%
Duration: 10 sec.
▲ Damage from Physical Attack Increase: 7.5%
Duration: 10 sec.