Victory Survival Strategy

Victory Survival Strategy

Use a winning strategy to overheat more and remove debuffs quicker. Selected skills become 1.2 times stronger when activated midair.
Veteran Commander

[Dungeon] Debuffs: Wounds, Bleed, Blind, Haze, Stun, Confusion, Panic, Fear, Press, Slow, Helpless Duration Reduction: 20% Excessive Overheat: HP 2% Overheat Possible Possible Midair Skills: Flame Sword, Haze Explosion [PvP] Debuffs: Wounds, Bleed, Blind, Haze, Stun, Confusion, Panic, Fear, Press, Slow, Helpless Duration Reduction: 20% Excessive Overheat: HP 2% Overheat Possible Possible Midair Skills: Flame Sword, Haze Explosion