Immortal Oath

Immortal Oath

He can remember faintly when he closes his eyes. His allies and lover who believed in him and followed him, the happy memories, and the moment it all fell apart. The promise he made to the dead the moment his mind cleared still stands. When this path finally ends, and I can finally go to you, please show me your smile… Increase damage of magnetic field that attacks nearby enemies upon Stage 3 Awakening. Critical Damage and Valasia Response Skill MP Cost Decrease. Upon Stage 3 awakening, cause nearby enemies to enter Confuse state.

[Dungeon] Magnetic Field Damage Increases : 15% Critical Damage Increases : 15% Valasia Response Skill MP Cost Decrease: 15% Confuse Duration: 1.5 sec. [PvP] Magnetic Field Damage Increases : 7.5% Critical Damage Increases : 7.5% Valasia Response Skill MP Cost Decrease: 7.5% Confuse Duration: 1.5 sec.