[Enhanced] Sprout
[Special Active: Bravery]
300 MP
Cooldown 21 sec.
Swing your sword imbued with aura of Valasia and slash it forward. The parasitic Valasia will sprout from enemies hit by the sword aura and destroy them. (Can also be activated midair)
[Valasia Response] Skill
Increase damage from Physical Attack for enemies with a Valasia Seed.
Final Enhanced Skill
- Damage is increased by 1.2 times
[Dungeon] Sword Aura (Physical): 1929% Multi Hit Growing Valasia (Physical): 1081% Multi Hit [Valasia Response] Damage from Physical Attack Increase per Seed Growth Stage Stage 1 Growth: 4% Stage 2 Growth: 6% Stage 3 Growth: 8% Duration: 15 sec. [PvP] Sword Aura (Physical): 734% Multi Hit Growing Valasia (Physical): 411% Multi Hit [Valasia Response] Damage from Physical Attack Increase per Seed Growth Stage Stage 1 Growth: 2% Stage 2 Growth: 3% Stage 3 Growth: 4% Duration: 15 sec.
MP Usage increased to 120% Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%
Status Effects

Physical Attack Damage Increase
- Physical Damage Received by 4.00 ~ 8.00% M
Duration: 15 sec. (Uptime: 71.4%)