#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Hunter's Steadiness

[Enhanced] Hunter's Steadiness


30 MP

Cooldown 5 sec.

Get into firing stance and then fires an arrow. All arrow commands cost no MP, range is increased, and recover more MP for 10 sec. While in this stance, attack power of melee attacks are slightly decreased. Final Enhanced Skill - Super armor status added.
Grand Archer
Hunter's Steadiness

[Dungeon] Shockwave (Magical): 125% Arrow (Magical): 596% [Arrow Enhancement] - Range Increase: 30% [Melee Weaken] - Damage Reduction: 10% [PvP] Shockwave (Magical): 30% Arrow (Magical): 141% [Arrow Enhancement] - Range Increase: 30% [Melee Weaken] - Damage Reduction: 10%

<Killing Blow (1)>

Skill effect's duration increased to 130%

<Killing Blow (2)>

Skill effect's effectiveness increased by 115%

Status Effects
Hunter's SteadinessHunter's Steadiness

Enhanced arrow attacks
Close range attack power reduced.

  • Change All Physical Command Damage by -10.00% M
Duration: 10 sec. (Uptime: 100%)