

[Special Active: Bravery]

300 MP

Cooldown 22 sec.

Use the skill to charge the power of wind. Then press the skill key again to unleash a powerful tempest. When charging, damage increase by 1.25 times. (Max 1.5 times) The tempest will create a whirlwind every time it hits. If the skill key is not pressed again within 10 sec. the skill will be canceled. NF Consumption Skill - Uses 3 NF on hit
Wind Sneaker
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Tempest

[Dungeon] Wind Blade (Magical): 1414% Multi Hit Whirlwind (Physical): 236% Multi Hit [PvP] Wind Blade (Magical): 511% Multi Hit Whirlwind (Physical): 85% Multi Hit


MP Usage decreased to 80%


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%

Status Effects
<No Name>

    Duration: 10 sec. (Uptime: 45.5%)