#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Ring of Darkness

[Enhanced] Ring of Darkness


50 MP

Cooldown 7 sec.

Create a ring of darkness that pulls in enemies. Enemies hit will be poisoned. Final Enhanced Skill - Reduce knockdown rate by 20 per hit
Oz Sorcerer
Ring of Darkness
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Ring of Darkness

[Dungeon] Darkness (Magical): 1661%, Poison 2 sec. (MP Decrease per sec.: 5) [PvP] Darkness (Magical): 632%, Poison 2 sec. (MP Decrease per sec.: 5)


Damage increased to 130%


Super Armor added to the skill Cooldown increased to 150%

Status Effects

MP Decrease

  • Change MP/s by -5 A
  • Duration affected by Dark Attribute
Duration: 2 sec. (Uptime: 28.6%)