Mystic Flask
[Special Active: Tenacity]
100 MP
Cooldown 8 sec.
[Merus Skill]
Create a flask that contains mystical liquid.
It seems the different colors have different effects.
Only allies can obtain the flasks.
[Dungeon] White: Increase Critical Damage for 30 sec.: 10% Blue: Increase MP Recovery per sec. for 30 sec.: 30 Yellow: Super Armor State for 20 sec. Purple: Confuse for 2 sec. [PvP] White: Increase Critical Damage for 5 sec.: 5% Blue: Increase MP Recovery per sec. for 5 sec.: 3 Yellow: Super Armor State for 5 sec. Purple: Confuse for 2 sec.
Cooldown decreased to 80%
<Killing Blow (1)>
Skill effect's duration increased to 130%
Status Effects

Critical Damage Increase
- Change Critical Damage by 10.00% M
Duration: 30 sec. (Uptime: 100%)

Natural MP Recovery Increase
- Change MP/s by 30 A
Duration: 30 sec. (Uptime: 100%)

Super Armor State
- Super Armor
Duration: 20 sec. (Uptime: 100%)

Movement Keys Flipped
- Left and right arrow keys swapped
Duration: 2 sec. (Uptime: 25%)