#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Hell Drop

[Enhanced] Hell Drop

[Special Active: Tenacity]

100 MP

Cooldown 13 sec.

Summon the Gate of Darkness to drop demonic stones on a target location. The Gate of Darkness is homing. Demonic stones will be dropped 2 seconds after casting skill. Final Enhanced Skill - Enemy trackdown speed Increased by 20%
Void Princess
Hell Drop

[Dungeon] Demonic Stone (Magical): 99% Demonic Stone Explosion (Magical): 230% [PvP] Demonic Stone (Magical): 40% Demonic Stone Explosion (Magical): 94%


Cooldown decreased to 60%


MP Usage increased to 130% Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)