[Dungeon] [Persistence] - Activation Requirement: Attacked/Attacking 3 times (Max 10 stacks) - Attack Power Increase: 2% - Duration: 10 sec. The lower the HP, the more Defense increase - HP 75% : 10% Increase - HP 50% : 20% Increase - HP 25% : 30% Increase Command Attack Defense Decrease - Decrease: 20% - Duration: 5 sec. [Knight’s Dignity] - Critical Increase: 20% - Maximize Increase: 20% [PvP] [Persistence] - Activation Requirement: Attacked/Attacking 3 times (Max 10 stacks) - Attack Power Increase: 1% - Duration: 5 sec. The lower the HP, the more Defense increase - HP 75% : 5% Increase - HP 50% : 10% Increase - HP 25% : 15% Increase Command Attack Defense Decrease - Decrease: 10% - Duration: 5 sec. [Knight’s Dignity] - Critical Increase: 20% - Maximize Increase: 20%
Status Effects
Increase Physical Attack Power.
(Up to 10 stacks)- Change Physical Attack by 2.00% M
Physical Defense Power Decreased
- Change Physical Defense by -20.00% M
- Change Magical Defense by -20.00% M
Increase Critical Damage. Increase Maximize.
- Change Critical Chance by 20.00% M
- Change Maximize by 20.00% M