Sword Shield

Sword Shield


25 MP

Cooldown 5 sec.

Summon a shield of 5 swords which damages and adds a chance to inflict Bleed debuff to enemies. Vitality Skill - Consumes Vitality Gauge and acquire Destructive Gauge - MP consumption ↓ MP gains ↑ when Vitality activated
Steath Knight
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Sword Shield

[Dungeon] Spinning Blades (Physical): 107% ×3 times per sword Duration: 12.5 sec. Bleed Chance: 10% Bleed Duration: 4 sec. [PvP] Spinning Blades (Physical): 43% ×3 times per sword Duration: 12.5 sec. Bleed Chance: 10% Bleed Duration: 4 sec.


MP Usage decreased to 70%


Skill will reduce -3 KD per hit

Status Effects

HP Decreased

(Up to 3 stacks)
  • Change HP/s by -30.00% M of Average Physical/Magical Attack
  • Duration affected by Wind Attribute
Duration: 4 sec. (min) 9.8 sec. (max) (Uptime: 100%)