


40 MP

Cooldown 5 sec.

Look for an opening to strike. Afterwards, swing your sword that contains El energy in a large sweeping motion. The explosion caused by the El energy will burn enemies' MP. Vitality Skill - Consumes Vitality Gauge and acquire Destructive Gauge - MP consumption ↓ MP gains ↑ when Vitality activated
Root Knight
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Extortion

[Dungeon] Slash (Magical): 293% Large Slash (Magical): 171% Multi Hit MP burn per hit: 2 [PvP] Slash (Magical): 111% Large Slash (Magical): 64% Multi Hit MP burn per hit: 2


Super Armor added to the skill Cooldown increased to 150%


Damage increased to 120%