#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Fatal Slap

[Enhanced] Fatal Slap


40 MP

Cooldown 5 sec.

Slash with a deep cut. Destruction Skill - Consumes Destruction Gauge and acquire Vitality Gauge - Attack Power ↑ when Destruction activated Final Enhanced Skill - Damage Increased by 1.2 times
Infinity Sword
Fatal Slap

[Dungeon] Strong Slash (Physical): 1364% Bleed Debuff: 50% chance for 5 sec. [PVP] Strong Slash (Physical): 459% Bleed Debuff: 50% chance for 5 sec.


Damage increased to 120%

<Killing Blow (1)>

Skill effect's duration increased to 130%

Status Effects

HP Decreased, Cannot Dash

  • Change HP/s by -10.00% M of Average Physical/Magical Attack
  • Unable to run
Duration: 5 sec. (Uptime: 100%)