#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Sword Blasting

[Enhanced] Sword Blasting

[Special Active: Tenacity]

100 MP

Cooldown 10 sec.

Execute a stab followed by 3 Conwell swords. Destruction Skill -Consumes Destruction Gauge and acquire Vitality Gauge - Attack Power ↑ when Destruction activated Final Enhanced Skill - Launched swords move forward and pierce through enemy twice.
Infinity Sword
Sword Blasting
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Sword Blasting

[Dungeon] Thrust (Physical): 603% Sword Explosion (1) (Physical): 704% [PvP] Thrust (Physical): 218% Sword Explosion (1) (Physical): 254%


Skill will burn 5 MP per hit


MP Gain of the skill increased to 140%