

[Special Active: Strength]

150 MP

Cooldown 15 sec.

Spin in a furious whirlwind attack while being in Super Armor. Hold the skill key to maintain longer spinning while consuming MP. You can control yourself while using the skill with the arrow keys. You also draw in enemies towards you. (Can also be activated midair) Vitality Skill - Consumes Vitality Gauge and acquire Destructive Gauge - MP consumption ↓ MP gains ↑ when Vitality activated
Lord Knight
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Windmill
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Windmill

[Dungeon] Sword Gust (Physical): 319% Multi Hit Duration: 2.1 sec. Holding down the skill key - Added Time: 2.8 sec. - Additional MP Cost: 25 per 0.7 sec. [PvP] Sword Gust (Physical): 80% Multi Hit Duration: 2.1 sec. Holding down the skill key - Added Time: 2.8 sec. - Additional MP Cost: 25 per 0.7 sec.


MP Usage decreased to 90%


MP Gain of the skill increased to 140%

Status Effects
<No Name>

  • Change Damage Received by -50.00% M
  • Change Movement Speed by 75.00% M
  • Change Jump Speed by 0.00% M