Maelstrom Rage

Maelstrom Rage

[Special Active: Strength]

150 MP

Cooldown 13 sec.

Create a vortex of swords that damages and disables enemies from moving. (Can also be activated midair) Vitality Skill - Consumes Vitality Gauge and acquire Destructive Gauge - MP consumption ↓ MP gains ↑ when Vitality activated
Infinity Sword
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Maelstrom Rage

[Dungeon] Blade Summon (Physical): 1023% Vortex Attack (Physical): 94% Multi Hit Duration: 5 sec. [PvP] Blade Summon (Physical): 389% Vortex Attack (Physical): 36% Multi Hit Duration: 5 sec.


MP Usage decreased to 80%


Skill will burn 2 MP per hit