Echo Licht

Echo Licht


40 MP

Cooldown 5 sec.

Condense surrounding El energy to form an El Energy Sphere that can be hurled forth and back towards you. Echo Licht - [Cycle Projectile] can retract. - [Cycle Projectile] deals damage to surrounding enemies when retracts and explodes. Eid: Creation - Randomly create Eids in proportion to the number of hit targets by [Cycle Projectile]. Swaying El Keim - Give [El Keim] debuff when hit by [Cycle Projectile].
Lofty: Anpassen
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Echo Licht

[Dungeon] Homing Cycle Projectile (Magical): 241% ×2 Homing Cycle Projectile Explosion (Magical): 304% [PvP] Homing Cycle Projectile (Magical): 86% ×2 Homing Cycle Projectile Explosion (Magical): 121%


Damage increased to 120%


Skill will reduce -15 KD per hit

Status Effects
Swaying El KeimSwaying El Keim

[Eid: Cycle] and [Edel Eid] skill damage increase to the target with El Keim debuff.

    Duration: 10 sec. (Uptime: 100%)