Dritt · Stilett

Dritt · Stilett


50 MP

Cooldown 30 sec.

Dodge enemy's attack, then project and levitate [Dritt · Stilett], the God's weapon, and throw it toward the enemy last hit. Can be used while being attacked. Projection Skill - Skill uses projected weapon created from the borrowed power of god. Dritt · Stilett - Press [Skill Key] again to throw at the enemy last hit. (Cooldown after throw: 0.5 sec.) - Lock-on to the enemy last hit releases after 2 sec. - Duration: 10 sec.
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Dritt · Stilett

[Dungeon] Throw (Physical): 433% ×3 [PVP] Throw (Physical): 155% ×3 Cooldown: 180 sec. (Cooldown Start Time is Fixed)


MP Usage decreased to 80%

<Regenerating (1)>

50% chance of regaining 100% of the MP Usage