

Is it due to the demonic energy? His emotions are turbulent and is becoming easily riled up. His impatient mind causes him to put all his mind to retrieving El energy. Upon starting Dungeon/PvP, enter Art Stage 3 (80 pt.) and Ganz, Rau point increase rate changes. Movement and Jump Speed increase based on Ganz Stage, and Awakening Duration increase based on Rau Stage.
Schatz Reprise

[Dungeon] Point Gain: 2 Point Loss: 2 Movement Speed Increase: Ganz Stage x 4% Jump Speed Increase: Ganz Stage x 4% Awakening Duration Increase : Rau Stage x 8 sec. [PvP] Point Gain: 2 Point Loss: 2 Movement Speed Increase: Ganz Stage x 2% Jump Speed Increase: Ganz Stage x 2% Awakening Duration Increase : Rau Stage x 4 sec.

Status Effects
<No Name>

  • Change Movement Speed by 0.00% M
  • Change Jump Speed by 0.00% M