

Whenever shaken from anxiety, he collected the faint El energy to heal himself. As he repeats the process, the cycling El energy begins to remain in the body and starts being affected by the power. Upon starting Dungeon/PvP, enter Art Stage 1 (40 pt.) and certain skills will receive Art - Ganz effect. Max MP is increased, and all skill's magical damage will be converted to physical damage. When Power Gauge reaches max, [Power: Cycle Magic] is activated.
Lofty: Schreier

[Dungeon] Max MP Increase: 100 When Ganz = Rau Stage, Stage 1 or higher - Stage x Awakening Duration Increase 5% - Stage x Awakening Charge Speed Increase 5% - Stage x MP Recovery When Attacking/Attacked Increase 5% - Stage x Attack/Attacked Damage Increase 5% - Stage x Damage Reduction 5% When Ganz > Rau Stage - Ganz Stage x Awakening Duration Increase 5% - Ganz Stage x MP Recovery When Attacking/Attacked Increase 5% When Ganz < Rau Stage - Rau Stage x Awakening Charge Speed Increase 5% - Rau Stage x Attack/Attacked Damage Increase 5% [PvP] Max MP Increase: 100 When Ganz = Rau Stage, Stage 1 or higher - Stage x Awakening Duration Increase 2% - Stage x Awakening Charge Speed Increase 2% - Stage x MP Recovery When Attacking/Attacked Increase 2% - Stage x Attack/Attacked Damage Increase 2% - Stage x Damage Reduction 2% When Ganz > Rau Stage - Ganz Stage x Awakening Duration Increase 2% - Ganz Stage x MP Recovery When Attacking/Attacked Increase 2% When Ganz < Rau Stage - Rau Stage x Awakening Charge Speed Increase 2% - Rau Stage x Attack/Attacked Damage Increase 2%

Status Effects
Ganz = Rau StateGanz = Rau State

Awakening Duration Increase Awakening Charge Speed Increase MP Recovery When Attacking/Attacked Increase Attack/Attacked Damage Increase Damage Reduction

  • Change Awakening Duration by 0.00% A
  • Change Awakening Charge Speed by 0.00% A
  • Change MP Gain on All Physical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change MP Gain on All Magical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change MP Gain When Attacked by 0.00% M
  • Change Damage From All Physical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change Damage From All Magical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change Damage Received by 0.00% M
Ganz > Rau StateGanz > Rau State

Awakening Duration Increase MP Recovery When Attacking/Attacked Increase

  • Change Awakening Duration by 0.00% A
  • Change MP Gain on All Physical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change MP Gain on All Magical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change MP Gain When Attacked by 0.00% M
Ganz < Rau StateGanz < Rau State

Awakening Charge Speed Increase Attack/Attacked Damage Increase

  • Change Awakening Charge Speed by 0.00% A
  • Change Damage From All Physical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change Damage From All Magical Attacks by 0.00% M
  • Change Damage Received by 0.00% M