Code: War Machine

Code: War Machine

Whenever [Heavy Weapon Mastery] is at full stack, gain a [Weapon of War] buff. - Applied Skills: Barbecue, M-137 Gatling Gun, M-3 Flamethrower, Flame Strike, FM-31 Grenade Launcher, Laser Rifle, Quantum Bomb, Operation Raze, FM-92 MK2 Lancer SW, Pampero Booster, X-1 Extruder, Plasma Shock, Aimed Strike, Burst Grenade Weapon of War - Heavy Weapon special active skills ignore guard and have a chance to ignore damage reduction stats. Efficient Arms - Each time Heavy Weapon special active skill is used, have a chance to decrease remaining cooldown of all special active skills.
Storm Trooper

[Dungeon] [Weapon of War] - Ignore Defense Chance: 15% - Duration: 15 sec. [Efficient Arms] - Cooldown Reduction Chance: 50% - Cooldown Decrease: 10% - Cooldown Reduction Chance During Over Strike: 100% - Cooldown Decrease During Over Strike: 20% [PvP] [Weapon of War] - Ignore Defense Chance: 15% - Duration: 15 sec. [Efficient Arms] - Cooldown Reduction Chance: 50% - Cooldown Decrease: 10% - Cooldown Reduction Chance During Over Strike: 100% - Cooldown Decrease During Over Strike: 10%

Status Effects
Weapon of WarWeapon of War

Heavy weapon special active attacks ignores guard Have a chance to ignore damage reduction

    Duration: 15 sec. (Uptime: 100%)