#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Blazing Bullet

[Enhanced] Blazing Bullet


35 ECP

Cooldown 13 sec.

Fire bullets that explode continuously. When cast, [Blazing Bullets] are loaded and the common command bullets are strengthened. Blazing Bullets - Common command bullets gain an explosive property for 15 sec. - Damage rate of the continuous explosions start at 100% then slowly Decrease to 67%, 34% ECP Using Skill - Consumes ECP instead of MP - Upon activating Over Strike, skill cannot be used. Final Enhanced Skill - Damage reduction from continuous explosions decreased
Blazing Bullet

[Dungeon] Revolver (Magical): 982% Musket (Magical): 936% Auto-gun (Magical): 347% ×3 Hand Cannon (Magical): 1033% [PvP] Revolver (Magical): 123% Musket (Magical): 117% Auto-gun (Magical): 44% ×3 Hand Cannon (Magical): 123%

<Killing Blow (1)>

Skill effect's duration increased to 130%


Super Armor added to the skill Cooldown increased to 150%