Death Sentence of Marbas

Death Sentence of Marbas

[Special Active: Strength]

50 MP

Cooldown 15 sec.

Switch to Sniper Mode. While in Sniper Mode gain super armor and immunity to all disabling status conditions. Sniper Mode - Rapid fire with Z key, Charged shots with X key. - Aim using the up and down movement keys (↑↓). - Consumes 10 MP per second if not firing. - Skill is canceled if the left or right movement key is pressed or if the limit of 200 MP usage is reached. Switching Skill (Ciel) - Lu will switch to Ciel when skill is used. - Gain 1 Combination Points after hitting the target when switching
Royal Guard
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Death Sentence of Marbas

[Dungeon] Gatling (Z Attack) - Gatling fires 3 shots per 1 Key Input - Consumes 9 MP per 3 Hits - Damage (Magical): 214%×3 Multi Hit Magic Shot (X Attack) - Magic Shot fires 1 shot per 1 Key Input - 30 MP Consumption per 1 Key Input - Damage (Magical): 1924% [PVP] Gatling (Z Attack) - Gatling fires 3 shots per 1 Key Input - Consumes 9 MP per 3 Hits - Damage (Magical): 25%×3 Multi Hit Magic Shot (X Attack) - Magic Shot fires 1 shot per 1 Key Input - 30 MP Consumption per 1 Key Input - Damage (Magical): 236%


MP Usage increased to 120% Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%