Death Touch

Death Touch

[Special Active: Tenacity]

100 MP

Cooldown 5 sec.

Grab a nearby enemy with a demonic hand. When an enemy is grabbed, deal continuous damage (does not flinch) and decrease their Movement/Jump Speed while continuously recovering your own MP. Demonic Hand - Grab a nearby enemy and deal continuous damage onto them. - Grabbed enemy's Movement/Jump Speed is decreased. - If the enemy escapes a certain range, they are released. - While the enemy is grabbed, recover 1% of MP per second. - Duration: 5 seconds
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Death Touch
Altar of Evil
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Altar of Evil
Mortal Fear
Thorns of Hell
Dark Plasma
Abyssal Gate

[Dungeon] Grasp (Physical): 3218% Demonic Invasion (Physical): 412% Multi Hit Movement/Jump Speed Decrease: 30% [PvP] Grasp (Physical): 1164% Demonic Invasion (Physical): 148% Multi Hit Movement/Jump Speed Decrease: 30%

Status Effects
Death TouchDeath Touch

Soul Restriction State - Continuous Damage During Duration - Movement/Jump Speed Decreased

  • Change HP/s by -30.00% M of Average Physical/Magical Attack
  • Change Movement Speed by -30.00% M
  • Change Jump Speed by -30.00% M
Duration: 1 sec. (Uptime: 20%)