Install - Drone Activator

Install - Drone Activator

[Special Active: Tenacity]

0 MP / 30 DP

Cooldown 7 sec.

Activate or switch to Dynamo Factory Drone Activator Mode. When used, shoot missiles to create a plasma target. While the target is active, defense is decreased and ‘Dynamo Configuration’ type skills (Pylons excluded) automatically fires to the target while resetting the cooldown and reducing the MP cost by 50%. Drones fired to the marked target does 1.2 times the damage. DP Skill - 20% of DP is consumed while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening) Dynamo Factory Mode - Consume 30 DP when mode is activated - Switch to [Drone Activator] Mode if used when the mode is not activated or from other modes - Acquire 1 Dynamo Mutation Point when switching modes - Activating [Drone Activator] consumes 100 MP - Dynamo Factory Mode Duration : 30 secs Nasod Armor Command Connection - Able to connect to Nasod Armor Command by hitting Z or X key when hit during Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening)
Arc Tracer
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Install - Drone Activator

[Dungeon] Marker Blast (Physical): 2356% Physical/Magical Defense Reduction: 21.5% Marker Duration: 9.7 sec [PVP] Marker Blast (Physical): 501% Physical/Magical Defense Reduction: 21.5% Marker Duration: 4.9 sec


Cooldown decreased to 70%

<Regenerating (1)>

25% chance of regaining 33% of the MP Usage