Body of Transcendence

Body of Transcendence

Increase Magical Attack Power and increase cooldown acceleration by 2 times for special actives while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening). Also Phase Shift will provide 1 Dynamo Mutation Point.
Lunatic Psyker

[Dungeon] Magical Attack Power Increase: 15% Skill Cooldown Acceleration Duration: 10 sec. [PvP] Magical Attack Power Increase: 6% Skill Cooldown Acceleration Duration: 5 sec.

Status Effects
Body of TranscendenceBody of Transcendence

Cooldown acceleration by 2 times.

  • Skill Cooldown Acceleration [Active Skills x2, Tenacity Skills x2, Strength Skills x2, Bravery Skills x2] M
Duration: 4 sec. (min) 10 sec. (max) (Uptime: 100%)