Nasod Armor Mode - Battle Gear

Nasod Armor Mode - Battle Gear

Enables Add to use Nasod Armor commands. In order to activate Nasod Armor commands, press Z or X key after designated commands or skills while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening). - Skills: Check skill description for skills applicable with the Nasod Armor Mode. - Commands: ZZZ[Z], ZZZ[X], ZZX[X] (1st Class), XX[X], XXZ[Z~Z], →→ZZ[Z], →→XX[X], →→Z[X], →→↑X[X] Ignores damage when attacked during a Nasod Armor combo. Once advancing to 2nd class [Lunatic Psyker], activate Nasod Armor when attacked at the last part of the basic ground combo. When in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening), decreases DP use and enhances Nasod Armor Command damage.
Psychic Tracer

[Dungeon] DP Usage Reduction: 25% Nasod Armor Command Attack Damage: +100% [PvP] DP Usage Reduction: 25% Nasod Armor Command Attack Damage: +50%