Nasod Armor Mode - Overlimit

Nasod Armor Mode - Overlimit

Enables Add to use Nasod Armor commands. In order to activate Nasod Armor commands, press Z or X key after designated commands or skills while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening). - Skills: Check skill description for skills applicable with the Nasod Armor Mode. - Commands: ZZZ[Z], ZZZ[X], ZZX[X](1st Class), XXZ[Z~Z], XXX[Z], XXX[X], →→ZZ[Z], →→XX[X], →→↑ZX[X], →→↑X[X] Ignores damage when attacked during a Nasod Armor combo. Increase Nasod Armor Command Damage and gains the abilities of Overlimit and Teleportation. Overlimit - When in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening), use DP to recover MP. - When in Dynamo Dissolution Mode (Non-Awakening), use MP to recover DP. Teleport - Move through space with Nasod Armor Combo Z or X commands by using 1 Dynamo Mutation Point while in Dynamo Dissolution Mode (Non-Awakening)
Time Tracer

[Dungeon] Cost and gain amount when attacking in different modes - Configuration Mode (Awakening) MP Gain Increase (100% chance): 10% - Dissolution Mode (Non-Awakening) DP Gain Increase (100% chance): 10% of consumed skill Nasod Armor Command Attack Damage: +70% [PvP] Cost and gain amount when attacking in different modes - Configuration Mode (Awakening) MP Gain Increase (50% chance): 5% - Dissolution Mode (Non-Awakening) DP Gain Increase (50% chance): 5% of consumed skill Nasod Armor Command Attack Damage: +35%