Acute Senses

Acute Senses

Increase Magical Attack Power and Max MP and also allows you to recover DP. May transform when awakening. Acute Senses - Magical Attack Power Increase - Increase Max MP - Exceeding max recovery for MP recovering consumables during Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awaken) will recover DP by the exceeded amount Force of Time and Space - May transform when awakening to greatly increase Critical Damage.
Mad Paradox

[Dungeon] [Acute Senses] - Magical Attack Power Increase: 15% - Max MP Increase: 100 [Force of Time and Space] - Transformation Rate: 100% - Critical Damage Increase: 15% [PvP] [Acute Senses] - Magical Attack Power Increase: 6% - Max MP Increase: 100 [Force of Time and Space] - Transformation Rate: 100% - Critical Damage Increase: 6%

Status Effects
Paradoxical ExistenceParadoxical Existence

Increase Physical/Magical Attack Power Critical Damage Increase

  • Change Critical Damage by 15.00% M