Nasod Armor Mode - Database

Nasod Armor Mode - Database

I will need an efficient database for when there are more specimen. All skill's magical damage will be converted to physical damage. Successful hit or defeat of enemies will Gain Genetic Modification Point per successful attack or defeated enemies. Enables Add to use Nasod Armor commands. In order to activate Nasod Armor commands, press Z or X key after designated commands or skills while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening). - Skills: Check skill description for skills applicable with the Nasod Armor Mode. - Commands: ZZZ[Z], ZZZ[X], ZZX[X], ZX[X], XX[X], XZ[Z], XXZ[Z~Z], →→ZZ[Z], →→XZ[Z], →→XX[X], →→↑X[X](2nd Class) Ignores damage when attacked during a Nasod Armor combo.
Affect Tracer

[Dungeon] Nasod Armor Command Attack Power Increase: 55% Gain Genetic Modification Point - Upon Successful Attack: 0.02% - Upon Defeating Enemy: 0.1% [PvP] Nasod Armor Command Attack Power Increase: 27.5% Gain Genetic Modification Point - Upon Successful Attack: 0.02% - Upon Defeating Enemy: 0.1%