Knight's Destiny

Knight's Destiny

Increase Physical Attack Power and strengthen yourself when your HP is low. All skill's magical damage will be converted to physical damage.
Saber Knight

[Dungeon] Physical Attack Power Increase: 15% Iron Body - When Below 50% HP - Defense/Reduced Damage: +10% - All Resistance +55 All Resistance +15 Unbreakable Will - When below 15% HP, following debuffs last -100% - Stun/Confusion/Fear/Panic/Suppression/Aging/Wound/Darkness/Speed Decrease/Haze/Bleed [PvP] Physical Attack Power Increase: 6% Iron Body - When Below 10% HP - Defense/Reduced Damage: +10% - All Resistance +55 All Resistance +15 Unbreakable Will - When below 15% HP, following debuffs last -50% - Stun/Confusion/Fear/Panic/Suppression/Aging/Wound/Darkness/Speed Decrease/Haze/Bleed

Status Effects
Iron BodyIron Body

Physical/Magical Defense Increase Damage Reduction Increase All Resistance Increase

  • Change Physical Defense by 2.50 ~ 10.00% M of Physical Defense
  • Change Magical Defense by 2.50 ~ 10.00% M of Magical Defense
  • Change Damage Reduction by 1.07 ~ 1.25% A
  • Change All Elemental Resistance by 15 ~ 55 A
Duration: 1.5 sec. (Uptime: 100%)