#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Dissent Orb

[Enhanced] Dissent Orb

[Special Active: Strength]

200 MP

Cooldown 15 sec.

Shoot multiple orbs ahead. When the orb will stop and create explosions when it reaches within a certain range. The stopped orb will remain for 10 sec. Also create a crest when Pioneer's Crest activates. Cannonball Consumption - Uses 4 Cannonballs Final Enhanced Skill - Damage increased by 1.2 times
Divine Phanes
Dissent Orb
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Dissent Orb

[Dungeon] Orb (Physical): 870% Multi Hit Explosion (Physical): 412% Multi Hit [PvP] Orb (Physical): 314% Multi Hit Explosion (Physical): 149% Multi Hit


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%


Cooldown decreased to 80%