#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Atomic Shield

[Enhanced] Atomic Shield

[Special Active: Tenacity]

100 MP

Cooldown 12 sec.

Summon Nasod nano-drones to create an energy field. Allies within the field will have Damage Reduction and have accelerated Strength, Bravery Skill Cooldown. Final Enhanced Skill - Movement Speed of enemies within the field Decreased by 50%
Code: Nemesis
Atomic Shield

[Dungeon] Energy Field - Radius: 600 - Allies Damage Reduction: 30% - Strength, Bravery Skill Cooldown Acceleration: 1.35 times - Duration: 10 sec. [PvP] Energy Field - Radius: 600 - Allies Damage Reduction: 12% - Strength, Bravery Skill Cooldown Acceleration: 1.35 times - Duration: 10 sec.


Cooldown decreased to 80%


MP Usage decreased to 90%

Status Effects
Atomic ShieldAtomic Shield

Damage Received Decrease Strength/Bravery Skill Cooldown Accelerate

  • Change Damage Received by -30.00% M
  • Skill Cooldown Acceleration [Strength Skills x1.35, Bravery Skills x1.35] M
Duration: 1 sec. (Uptime: 8.3%)
머신의 잔상머신의 잔상

범위 내 적의 이동속도 50% 저하

  • Change Movement Speed by -50.00% M
Duration: 1 sec. (Uptime: 8.3%)