[Dungeon] [Overload] - Overload Skill cooldown is accelerated by 2 times for 5 sec. - Strength Skill Damage Increase: 20% - Bravery Skill Damage Increase: 30% - Skill Damage increase by 10% for Tenacity Skills and Active Skills that reacts to Force Field - Duration: 25 sec. [PvP] [Overload] - Overload Skill cooldown is accelerated by 2 times for 5 sec. - Strength Skill Damage Increase: 10% - Bravery Skill Damage Increase: 15% - Skill Damage increase by 10% for Tenacity Skills and Active Skills that reacts to Force Field - Duration: 10 sec.
Status Effects

Strength, Bravery Skill Damage Increase Overload Skill Cooldown accelerated by 2 times for 5 sec. during buff Skill Damage increased by 10% for Tenacity Skills and Active Skills that reacts to Force Field

Use Overload skill
(Up to 3 stacks)