Mocking Laughter

Mocking Laughter

Give a mocking laugh to those who are wary of me just because I use demon magic. Intolerant and pathetic. It's you all who are useless. Increase Maximization. Upon awakening, decrease special active MP cost and recover MP continuously.
Cynical Sneer

[Dungeon] Maximize Increase: 15% Special Active MP Cost Decrease During Awakening: 10% MP Recovery per sec. During Awakening: 20 [PvP] Maximize Increase: 15% Special Active MP Cost Decrease During Awakening: 5% MP Recovery per sec. During Awakening: 1

Status Effects
Mocking LaughterMocking Laughter

Special Active Skill MP Cost Decrease MP Recovery per sec.

  • Change MP Cost of [Tenacity Skills by -10.00%, Strength Skills by -10.00%, Bravery Skills by -10.00%] M
  • Change MP/s by 20 A