Obsidian Moon

Obsidian Moon


20 MP

Cooldown 10 sec.

The endless darkness, became lightless obsidian. Use Obsidian Points to use skills. While Obsidian Moon is active, if you use any skill with [Obsidian Darkness], activate [Obsidian Darkness] effects. * Requires Obsidian Points to use.
Second Revenger
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Obsidian Moon

While Obsidian Moon is active, if you use any skill with [Obsidian Darkness], activate [Obsidian Darkness] effects. Duration per 1 Obsidian Point Consumed: 10 sec.


Cooldown decreased to 70%


Super Armor added to the skill Cooldown increased to 150%

Status Effects
Obsidian MoonObsidian Moon

Fall into deeper darkness with the rise of Obsidian Moon. Certain skills will activate [Obsidian Darkness].

    Duration: 10 sec. (Uptime: 100%)