White Dwarf

White Dwarf

[Special Active: Bravery]

300 MP

Cooldown 22 sec.

The last remaining life force of the final starlight will explode ahead. Upon using a skill, accelerate the Special Active Skills of the caster for a set duration and remove debuffs from allies touched by the light. [Confession] Bring down judgment with the Relic of Confession. [Blessing of Moonlight] Upon awakening, enhance skill effect depending on the shape of the moon.
Pale Pilgrim
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX White Dwarf
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX White Dwarf

[Dungeon] Exploding Light (Physical): 219% Multi Hit Special Active Cooldown Speed Increase: 1.2 times Duration: 3 sec. [Blessing of Moonlight - Full Moon] Special Active Cooldown Speed Increase: 1.3 times [Blessing of Moonlight - Half Moon] Duration: 5 sec. [PVP] Exploding Light (Physical): 74% Multi Hit Special Active Cooldown Speed Increase: 1.1 times Duration: 3 sec. [Blessing of Moonlight - Full Moon] Special Active Cooldown Speed Increase: 1.2 times [Blessing of Moonlight - Half Moon] Duration: 5 sec.


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%


MP Usage decreased to 80%

Status Effects
White DwarfWhite Dwarf

Special Active Cooldown Accelerate

  • Skill Cooldown Acceleration [Tenacity Skills x1.2, Strength Skills x1.2, Bravery Skills x1.2] M
Duration: 3 sec. (Uptime: 13.6%)