Serpent in the Dream

Serpent in the Dream

[Special Active: Strength]

200 MP

Cooldown 15 sec.

An apparition of a large serpent appears. Don't know why. Is this the result of a nightmare, or an actual reality? (Can also be activated midair) [Blood Moon's Dream] Using skill upon Blood Moon Awakening increase damage and ignore part of enemies' defense
Hazy Delusion
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Serpent in the Dream

[Dungeon] Serpent in the Dream (Magical): 550% Multi Hit [Blood Moon's Dream] Damage Increase: 10% Ignore Defense: 50% [PvP] Serpent in the Dream (Magical): 220% Multi Hit [Blood Moon's Dream] Damage Increase: 5% Ignore Defense: 20%


MP Usage decreased to 80%


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%