Instant Opening

Instant Opening

[Special Active: Strength]

200 MP

Cooldown 14 sec.

Imbue the power of darkness to the sickle to cut an opening in space. [Obsidian Darkness] The shadow will attack the opening at the same time. - [Instant Opening] ignores defense.
Second Revenger
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Instant Opening

[Dungeon] Instant Opening (Physical): 702% Multi Hit Ignore Defense: 100% [Obsidian Darkness] Shadow Opening (Physical): 132% Multi Hit [PvP] Instant Opening (Physical): 266% Multi Hit Ignore Defense: 25% [Obsidian Darkness] Shadow Opening (Physical): 50% Multi Hit


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%


Cooldown decreased to 80%