


30 MP

Cooldown 4 sec.

Lure enemies with delicious caramel. But what's this? It's mud? Mud will remain for 2.5 sec. Enemies within the field will have movement speed decrease significantly and cannot jump. (Can also be activated midair)
Rough Child
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Caramel

[Dungeon] Caramel (Magical): 216% Multi Hit Movement Speed Decrease: 50% [PvP] Caramel (Magical): 77% Multi Hit Movement Speed Decrease: 50%


Cooldown decreased to 75%


Skill will cancel Mana Break Cooldown increased to 170%

Status Effects

Movement Speed Decrease Cannot Jump

  • Change Movement Speed by -50.00% M
  • Change Jump Speed to 0.00% A
Duration: 1 sec. (Uptime: 25%)