Mischievous Friends Unite

Mischievous Friends Unite

[Special Active: Bravery]

300 MP

Cooldown 22 sec.

Emergency! Pipi, Popo, Mimi! Come out! Time for a prank! Call every member of Laby's special mischievous imaginary friends. Where Mischievous Friends pass will leave a huge mess behind.
Punky Poppet
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Mischievous Friends Unite

[Dungeon] Mimi (Magical): 531% Multi Hit Popo (Magical): 649% Multi Hit Pipi (Magical): 620% Multi Hit [PvP] Mimi (Magical): 192% Multi Hit Popo (Magical): 234% Multi Hit Pipi (Magical): 223% Multi Hit


MP Usage increased to 120% Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%