#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Milky Way

[Enhanced] Milky Way

[Special Active: Bravery]

300 MP

Cooldown 21 sec.

Laby thinks about the milky way that she saw when she first came out of the forest. Shining starlight shoots out from Nisha. [Need Help, Laby?] Reduce the Attack Power and Magical Defense of the targets hit by starlight. Final Enhanced Skill - Damage increased by 1.2 times
Shining Romantica
Milky Way
#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Milky Way

[Dungeon] Starlight (Magical): 1294% Multi Hit [PVP] Starlight (Magical): 353% Multi Hit [Need Help, Laby?] [Dungeon] Starlight (Magical): 1269% Multi Hit Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease: 15% Magical Defense Decrease: 30% Duration: 10 sec. [PVP] Starlight (Magical): 342% Multi Hit Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease: 15% Magical Defense Decrease: 15% Duration: 10 sec.


Skill size increased to 120%


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%

Status Effects
Milky WayMilky Way

Physical/Magical Attack Power Decrease Magical Defense Decrease

  • Change Magical Defense by -30.00% M
  • Change Physical Attack by -15.00% M
  • Change Magical Attack by -15.00% M
Duration: 10 sec. (Uptime: 47.6%)