#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Conqueror

[Mod] Conqueror


230 MP / 60 DP

Cooldown 15 sec.

Use your Dynamo's to generate a massive energy field that will create chain explosions. Create a field and fire a huge energy blast that ignores defense. DP Skill - 20% of DP is consumed while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening) Dynamo Mutation Point - Use a maximum 3 Dynamo Mutation Points with Awakening - Damage increases by 5% per Dynamo Point in Dynamo Configuration Mode. (Skill can be used without Dynamo Point) Nasod Armor Command Connection - Press Z/X command button to connect to Nasod Armor Command, with Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening)
Doom Bringer
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Conqueror

[Dungeon] Energy Explosion (Magical): 2799% Multi Hit Ignore Defense: 60% [PvP] Energy Explosion (Magical): 1010% Multi Hit Ignore Defense: 20%


Critical Hit Rate increased to 100% Damage decreased to 80%


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%