#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Land Smash

[Mod] Land Smash


40 MP

Cooldown 6 sec.

Create a crack on the ground with a smash. The smashed ground will explode. Enemies hit by the explosion cannot dash for 6 sec.
Comet Crusader
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Land Smash
Land Smash

[Dungeon] Strike (Physical): 838% Land Shockwave (Physical): 755% [PvP] Strike (Physical): 255% Land Shockwave (Physical): 230%


Super Armor added to the skill Cooldown increased to 150%


Damage increased to 120%

Status Effects
Leg InjuryLeg Injury

Cannot Dash

  • Unable to run
Duration: 6 sec. (Uptime: 100%)