#CF62DF9[Mod]#CX Giga Prominence

[Mod] Giga Prominence


300 MP

Cooldown 22 sec.

Large flame is moving forward. Target swept by the flame will burn from the blaze and deals additional damage to enemies. Overheat - Uses HP for additional damage - Activate by repeat presses of skill key - Attack power +5% for 10 sec.
Nova Imperator
Giga Prominence
#Cffcc00[Enhanced]#CX Giga Prominence

[Dungeon] Large Fire (Magical): 3496% (Overheat: 4859%) Blaze (Magical): 1106% Multi Hit (Overheat: 1537%) [PvP] Large Fire (Magical): 1262% (Overheat: 1754%) Blaze (Magical): 399% Multi Hit (Overheat: 554%)


MP Usage decreased to 80%


Damage increased to 144% Cooldown increased to 120%