
Age: 16 (F) /Weapon: Claymore

Influenced by her father who was a free knight of Velder, Elesis is also an excellent swordsman. When she and Elsword was suddenly attacked by demons, she foresees danger and joins the Velder Knights and tries to protect the kingdom from the emanant demon invasion. Finally, she encounters the demon who attacked Feita and Velder again...
Saber Knight
Grand MasterTrans
Empire Sword
Pyro Knight
Blazing HeartTrans
Flame Lord
Dark Knight
Crimson AvengerTrans
Bloody Queen
Soar Knight

Skill Tree

Spiral Blast
Dodge and Slash
Extreme Heavenly Love
Lv 1
Wild Shock
Lv 5
Mega Buster
Lv 10
Roll & Dodge
Lv 15
Unlimited Blade
Iron Body - Strong
Lv 20