Duration: 5:30 AM ~ 11:30 AM KST (5h30)
Developer Notes
As previously announced, a new raid - Doom Aporia - is getting released along with the separation of Avatar and General Accessory slots.
This update also includes guaranteed Serpentium Raid accessory drop and new Avatar Accessory set from EP Shop.
The Doom Aporia raid consists of 4 dungeons, 3 of which can be played on release.
Drop rewards include new weapon, new accessories and T-Type Circuit.
New weapon and accessories can be obtained both via random drop and guaranteed reward.
The new weapon is a reward from Wilting Spire (Difficulty 3+), which will be released on February 27th.
We plan to improve the supply of circuits along with the new raid update.
There is a guaranteed T-Type Circuit drop when clearing the raid.
Serpentium Raid has also been changed to provide them from weekly clears, and Madame Core's Garden circuit drop rate has been nearly doubled.
We will also hold a doubled drop event.
You can obtain Serpentium accessories by filling up the corresponding gauge on a weekly basis via Difficulty 3 or higher.
Considering it has been 6 months since this raid's release, we will provide a temporary version of said accessories.
Regarding the accessory slot separation update, all slots except Ring 2 will be affected.
This feature can be used regardless of level, job advancement etc., and the currently equipped accessories will automatically fill the corresponding slots after the update.
To help you fill the empty slots, we added 11 Avatar Accessories to the EP Shop - Elrios Guardian Knights. Each accessory can be purchased for 500 EP.
Every character will also receive a temporary version of them (30 days) through Prof. Pho's Guide.
Additionally, we are reworking the Magic Wardrobe to accommodate the separation of accessory slots.
This includes: new UI, favourites, batch appearance change, custom motion change and a stop feature, hiding specific slot appearance.
Some other QoL will also be applied, like being able to swap equipment in Magic Wardrobe or change face customization.
We have also prepared an event for this patch, as Hyper Punch Master is ending.
During this event, you will be able to obtain temporary accessories from all raids and from the Abyssal Existence IB, including the weapon.
As the update progresses, we are striving to provide more satisfactory gaming experience.
Doom Aporia Raid - Cornerstone of Prophecy, Nightmare: Reset Room & Queen's Throne Hall
Doom Aporia consists of 4 dungeons, each dungeon of 2 phases.
There are 3 difficulty levels, and the 4th difficulty level will be added later on.
Name | Entry Requirements | Environmental Debuff | Player Count | Resurrection Stone Limit |
Cornerstone of Prophecy Nightmare: Reset Room Queen's Throne Hall | [Combat Power] 15M (Difficulty 1) 17M (Difficulty 2) 20M (Difficulty 3) [Equipment] Tenebrous Armor or higher | 95% | 4~6 (Cornerstone of Prophecy) 6 (Nightmare: Reset Room, Queen's Throne Hall) | 3 |
Clear progress will be recorded regardless of difficulty. You can proceed to the next dungeon in line after clearing the previous one.
Resets weekly.
This raid offers weekly and repeat rewards.
Cornerstone of Prophecy
Difficulty | Phase | Reward |
[Weekly] | ||
1 | 1 | T-Type Circuit |
1 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip |
2 | 1 | T-Type Circuit |
2 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip Destiny Prophet Cube |
3 | 1 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip |
3 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip Destiny Prophet Cube |
[Repeat] | ||
1 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk |
2 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk |
3 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk T.E.S. System Chip System Chip Reset Ticket Destiny Prophet Cube |
Nightmare: Reset Room
Difficulty | Phase | Reward |
[Weekly] | ||
1 | 1 | T-Type Circuit |
1 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip |
2 | 1 | T-Type Circuit |
2 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip Soul Shackles Cube |
3 | 1 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip |
3 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip Soul Shackles Cube |
[Repeat] | ||
1 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk |
2 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk |
3 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk T.E.S. System Chip System Chip Reset Ticket Soul Shackles Cube |
Queen's Throne Hall
Difficulty | Phase | Reward |
[Weekly] | ||
1 | 1 | T-Type Circuit |
1 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip |
2 | 1 | T-Type Circuit |
2 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip Type-Q Queen's Ornament Cube |
3 | 1 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip |
3 | 2 | T-Type Circuit T.E.S. System Chip Type-Q Queen's Ornament Cube |
[Repeat] | ||
1 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk |
2 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk |
3 | 2 | T-Type Circuit Small to Large Jetrium Ore Chunk T.E.S. System Chip System Chip Reset Ticket Type-Q Queen's Ornament Cube |
New Raid Accessories
Can be obtained by clearing Doom Aporia raids while having remaining weekly counts.
Only available at difficulty 2 or higher.
Each weekly run increases the gauge.
When the gauge reaches 100%, the cube can be redeemed, and the gauge will be depleted.
The gauge will not be reset when obtaining an accessory cube through random drops.
Accessory name | Accessory type | Fixed effects |
Destiny Prophet | Support Unit | - Adaptation +3% - Critical Damage +5% - When awakened in PvE/PvP, reduces enemy defense and movement speed within a wide/narrow range by 15%/13% for 30/15 seconds. (Reactivation cooldown: 30 seconds) |
Soul Shackles | Bottom | - All Speed +7% - All Skill Damage +5% |
Type-Q Queen's Ornament | Weapon | - All Skill Damage +18% - Upon hitting an enemy, decrease their Elemental Resistance by 100 (35 in PvP) for 10 seconds. (Cannot be overlapped) |
Set Effect:
2 pieces:
Critical +5%
Boss Damage +5%
3 pieces:
Polarize +5%
Cont. Damage +5%
New Raid Weapon
You can obtain Dragon's Heart Fragment when clearing raid dungeons.
Use fragments to increase your weapon reward level.
Reward level increases weapon drop rate.
The required amount of fragments depends on the reward level (Level 1~5: 6 fragments; Level 6~10: 9 fragments; Level 11~15: 12 fragments.)
The weapon growth UI can be used when the weapon is acquired.
Serpentium Raid Guaranteed Accessory
Obtain gauge via Serpentium Raid (Difficulty 3+) on a weekly basis.
When the gauge reaches 100%, the cube can be redeemed, and the gauge will be depleted.
The gauge will not be reset when obtaining an accessory cube through random drops.
Circuit Drop Rate Improvement
Madame's Core Garden will drop circuits more often.
Each phase of each Serpentium Raid dungeon now drops T-Type Circuit as a weekly reward.
Accessory Slot Separation
General and Avatar accessory slots will be separated.
Using similar items in separate slots, such as double Mana Necklace and Warrior's Mana Necklace is restricted.
Manage active set effects.
Ice Burner Accessories
General Accessories (dungeon drop)
Set Effect Management
Up to 6 set effects can be registered, but only 3 can be active at the same time.
Inactive set effects will be displayed in the second section.
Even if the set effect changes due to equipment change, the active set effects will be adjusted automatically.
Lu and Ciel can customize this separately.
The set effect will remain registered even if the accessories required are unequipped.
New Avatar Accessories added to EP Shop
Each accessory costs 500 EP.
Elrios Guardian Knights can be bank shared and stored in the Magic Wardrobe, but it cannot be traded or discarded.
You can obtain a temporary version of them along with Restored Elrianode Cube through Prof. Pho's Guide.
Set effect
3 pieces:
All Skill Damage +5%
All Skill Cooldown -5% (Except Bonding skills)
4 pieces:
Adaptation +5%
Action Speed +10%
Magic Wardrobe Rework
The [Hanger Registration] in the Magic Wardrobe UI allows items to be registered as "Hanger Items."
The [Bulk Change Hanger Appearance] or clicking the wardrobe list allows you to change item appearances.
A "Hide/Show Selected Appearance" feature has been added.
A change and stop function for idle motions has been added in the Magic Wardrobe UI.
The Magic Wardrobe UI now includes an ON/OFF item slot feature.
A zoom in/out function for the character via mouse wheel has been added.
Right-clicking items in the Magic Wardrobe now equips or unequips them.
Auto-complete has been added for item searches in the Magic Wardrobe.
A favorites feature has been added to the Magic Wardrobe list.
Timed versions of all accessories from raids and Abyssal Existence (including weapon) can be redeemed (60 days).
+20% adaptation in dungeons, double drop rate + unlimited stamina, infinite potion (2 types) cube, 1 dungeon entry selection ticket.
Free Varnimyr/Pruinaum Raid reset (unlimited resets possible without using up tickets)
Cash Shop Update
Sealed Relic Burner: Erebus Elegy
Accessory Slots: Face Top, Bottom, Support Unit, Face Bottom