
The fireworks goes boom! like painting in the night sky. The carnival will never end!
- Clear Theme Park Entrance 1 time (1x)
- Clear Theme Park Entrance 50 times (50x)
- Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Upon attacking, 5% chance to obtain Festival! Effect that shoots fireworks to nearby area for 7 sec. The fireworks will deal non-flinching damage, and decrease target's Physical/Magical Defense by 10% for 10 sec. (Cooldown: 15 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Damage in Theme Park Entrance increased by 18% (Dungeon)

Festival! title effect
Luckily hit by parade fireworks. Physical/Magical Defense Decrease
- Change Physical Defense by -10.00% M
- Change Magical Defense by -10.00% M
- Removes effects [Penetrate Armor]
Duration: 7 sec. (Uptime: 46.7%)
Removed effects

The Great Steel Wall title effect
Physical/Magical Defense Reduction
- Change Physical Defense by -48.00% M
- Change Magical Defense by -48.00% M
- Removes effects [Penetrate Armor, Physical/Magical Defense Decrease, Physical/Magical Defense Decrease, Festival!]
Duration: 5 sec.
Mystical Magic

Mr. Hat will show a simple magic trick! Magic... trick...? Or is it a spell?
- Clear Tricky House 1 time (1x)
- Clear Tricky House 50 times (50x)
- Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Spade/Heart buff will alternate every 15 sec. Spade - Movement Speed 10%, Jump Speed 10% Heart - Recover nearby allies HP by 5% every 5 sec. (Dungeon)
- Damage in Tricky House increased by 18% (Dungeon)
<No Name>
- Call effects [Spade, Heart] sequentially

Movement Speed / Jump Speed 10% Increase
- Change Movement Speed by 20.00% M
- Change Jump Speed by 20.00% M
Duration: 15 sec. (Uptime: 50%)

Nearby Party's HP 5% Recovery per 5 sec.
Duration: 15 sec. (Uptime: 50%)
Puppet's Stage

We invite you to the stage! And by that, we mean... on the stage.
- Clear Puppet Theater 1 time (1x)
- Clear Puppet Theater 50 times (50x)
- Adaptation +1% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- When maintaining Dash for 1 sec. increase Skill Damage by 8% for 1 sec. (Cooldown: 15 sec.)(PvP: 40%) Not overlapped
- Damage in Puppet Theater increased by 18% (Dungeon)

All Skill Damage Increase
- Change Damage of [Active Skills by 8.00%, Tenacity Skills by 8.00%, Strength Skills by 8.00%, Bravery Skills by 8.00%] M
Duration: 1 sec. (Uptime: 6.7%)
Sign for You

A thank you gift for the bestest fans! Victoria's special limited autograph.
- Clear Concert Mania 1 time (1x)
- Defeat Victoria within 1 min. 30 sec. 50 times (50x)
- Adaptation +1% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- When attacking, 5% chance to activate buff that increase Damage by 10% and increase Received Damage by 30% (Cooldown: 30 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Damage in Concert Mania increased by 18% (Dungeon)

Receive Victoria's Autograph. Increase Damage Given and Damage Received.
- Change Damage Received by 30.00% M
- Change Damage From All Physical Attacks by 10.00% M
- Change Damage From All Magical Attacks by 10.00% M
Duration: 10 sec. (Uptime: 33.3%)
Husk of Shadow

A throne without a master. Only the discarded husk remains...
- Clear Shadow Earl's Castle 1 time (1x)
- Shadow Earl's Castle 50 times (50x)
- Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- When attacking, 30% chance to summon Shredded Shadow (Cooldown: 10 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Damage in Shadow Earl's Castle increased by 18% (Dungeon)
Freed Shadow

After even the shadow leaves the throne, only silence remains.
- Requires Husk of Shadow
- Destroy Severed Shadow Aren's Helmet (400x)
- Shadow Earl's Castle 400 times (400x)
- Adaptation +3% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- When attacked. 5% chance for 99% Damage Reduction for 3 sec. (Cooldown: 60 sec.) (PvP)
- When receiving a fatal attack, the HP will remain 1 and become invincible for 3 sec. (180 sec. cooldown after activation) (Only happens 1 time in PvP, All Skill enter Cooldown) (Cooldown: 180 sec.) Not overlapped
- Upon awakening, Action Speed increased by 15% for 40 sec. (Cooldown: 1 min.) Upon awakening, All Damage increased by 15% for 40 sec. (Cooldown: 1 min.)(PvP: 40%)

Invincible for 3 secs
- Invincible
- Cannot lose HP
Duration: 3 sec. (Uptime: 1.7%)

Action Speed +15% All Damage +15% Command Attack Damage +15%
- Change Damage From All Physical Attacks by 15.00% M
- Change Damage From All Magical Attacks by 15.00% M
- Change Action Speed by 15.00% M
- Removes effects [Aurora Wing, Guardian of Elrianode, Maestro]
Duration: 40 sec. (Uptime: 66.7%)

Damage Reduction 99% (Exclude damage from Additional Damage)
- Change Damage Received by -99.00% M
Duration: 3 sec. (Uptime: 5%)
Removed effects

Action Speed +15% All Damage +15% Command Attack Damage +15%
- Change Damage From All Physical Attacks by 15.00% M
- Change Damage From All Magical Attacks by 15.00% M
- Change Action Speed by 15.00% M
- Removes effects [Aurora Wing, Shadow Aura, Maestro]
Duration: 30 sec.

Aurora Wing will spread and increase Action Speed by 15%
- Change Action Speed by 15.00% M
Duration: 30 sec.

Action Speed, All Damage Increased
- Change Damage From All Physical Attacks by 20.00% M
- Change Damage From All Magical Attacks by 20.00% M
- Change Action Speed by 15.00% M
- Removes effects [Aurora Wing, Guardian of Elrianode, Shadow Aura]
Duration: 40 sec.